
IAS-19 Call for Special Sessions

Methods and technologies to design and develop intelligent and autonomous systems have advanced remarkably in the past few years, with the rapid development of critical and foundational approaches in robotics and artificial intelligence. Intelligent and autonomous systems are being deployed in various scenarios, such as nuclear power plants, defense, agriculture, industrial safety, aerospace, construction, and unmanned vehicles. Special sessions are the ideal venues to highlight selected topics, spark debates, and narrow down applications of intelligent and autonomous systems, especially connected to innovative emerging areas of interest related to the main conference topics.

We look for proposals for special sessions featuring emerging topics in intelligent and autonomous systems. In particular, we welcome submissions of proposals taking into account the conference theme, that is, “Ethical, Responsible, and Inclusive Robotics”, along with scientific, methodological, and technological advances.

A special session will consist of 4 papers. Please send proposals for special sessions by email at contact@ias-19.org.
Each proposal must include (a) the special session title, (b) the list of organizers with contact information, (c) a brief statement of purpose for the session, and (d) a list of potential contributors.

Special Sessions Chairs will review the submitted proposals. Papers addressed to approved special sessions will be provided with a session code and will undergo the same review process as regular papers. Special session organizers can be involved in the review process and in the final decisions. Also, they will be offered a gift voucher as a sign of gratitude.

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