The organizers seek original, novel, and innovative papers containing experimental results and theories, as indicated in the Call for Papers.

All contributed papers will go through a peer-review process. A manuscript will be reviewed by at least two referees, who will leave review comments. When the paper is finally accepted, the authors should submit a revised final version that reflects the reviewers’ comments. All accepted and presented papers will be published in a Springer volume as conference proceedings right after the conference.
A limited number of papers will be invited to submit an extended version of papers for the special issue of the journal Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS).

Prospective authors must format their papers in a single-column layout on 21 cm x 29.7 cm A4-size paper according to the Springer guidelines In particular, refer to:

Instructions for authors  //  LaTeX templates  //  Overleaf LaTeX templates  //  MS Word templates

Proposals for special sessions, workshops, and tutorials are strongly encouraged. Workshops and tutorials will be scheduled on 30/6/2025.

Paper length should be at most 12 pages, including references. Authors can optionally have 6 additional pages at a cost of 50 EUR per page. Papers with more than 18 pages will be automatically rejected.

Papers must be submitted electronically via OpenReview. Please indicate whether the paper is submitted to the general track or one of the special sessions.

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