Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Vatican State
Born in Cadiz (Spain), 1954. He graduated in Medicine from the University Autonoma of Madrid (1977). He worked as surgeon in the “San Carlos” Hospital of the School of Medicine of the University Complutense of Madrid, in the II Chair of Surgery. Doctor in Theology from the University of Navarre (1983). From 1986 professor of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome), teaching Dogmatic Theology in the School of Theology and Anthropology in the ISSRA. At present he is full professor of Moral Theology and Director of the Department of Moral Theology in the same University; in this area he teaches Technoethics from 2007 as a curricular course. Author of numerous publications in the field of technoethics, including the first article published on the subject in IEEE-RAS Magazine: «On Technoethics» IEEE-RAS Magazine 10 n. 4 (2003): 58-63.